The New Education Policy
As Pratap Bhanu Mehta in his editorial in The Indian Express asks if it is a trick or treat, it gets the reader questioning themselves for once. For a Policy ‘Document’ to have been laid out in the public for more than a year and to have involved stakeholders in the decision making process is something this country has always craved for. So yes for me, it is definitely a treat.
He then says that calling the check on the policy’s implementation is cliché and that this governments past record of policy implementation has been flawed. Well, I beg to differ again. For once, the implementation solely doesn’t depend on the government itself. It equally involves the other stakeholders- from schools, colleges, teachers and even students. We can have the best of infrastructure and yet not utilize it. And history shows a lot of examples to prove that too. Alas, what should be then.
In my opinion, it is imperative for everyone to transform themselves. This transformation involves external and internal both. For institutes to be more accommodating, for teachers to be open to various teaching pedagogies and for students to open their minds to the world outside. As a student, when one if forced to cram up the textbook and told that whatever you think beyond it doesn’t matter, you do not only kill the thinking mind but also a future. So, it is this transformation of the mindset which is needed. And I believe, the cliché will pave the way for a beautiful and bright future ahead.