Scattered Thoughts

Shubhangi Jain
2 min readJul 13, 2022

Living in the Gen-Z era, I’ve always struggled to figure out what year differentiates you from being a millennial or a Gen Z! After all, the Internet has varied options depending upon what you are looking for.

However, one exciting thing is the rise of ‘wise’ millennials advising Gen Z on what to make of their lives. You see, these are different sorts of advice-givers, they broke a lot of rules, experimented with new things, and dived themselves into a new world in the 90s and 00s. For them, their experience is unique and Gen Z must listen to them. I mean it is sort of obnoxious at the end of the day. But let’s not label them bad as of yet. Don’t misunderstand me. I don’t have an issue with them, it’s just their overwhelming presence on Instagram and Youtube which has annoyed me.

Recently, a sought-after motivational speaker made a reel about moving abroad. Nothing harmful. But then came his way to convince us- ‘IT IS A MIND-BLOWING EXPERIENCE’. Or add any such experience becoming an overly sold one. I’ll leave it to you to guess.

I am pretty fed up with these mind-blowing experiences that a few people had in the 90s and 00s. Again, no harm. But I often think about this- is it necessary for everybody to have the same mind-blowing experiences as they did? Or do the experiences that have not been commodified yet and sold on Instagram not count?

Let me streamline it a little bit. No experience in itself is any harm. What anybody does, breaking their own boundaries is commendable. I might not know what place they are coming from even before throwing my ruthless judgement. But we live in the age of Social Media. An age, a medium, where selling these experiences in the name of exposure and youthfulness is bursting. It hurts to see this. We do not understand the impact of this sale before it affects the raw minds, who will never be able to figure out if they are behind a sold dream or their own.

If this was seen in the form of peer pressure before, it is an enhanced, aggravated influencer pressure shaping our minds. And to me, it’s annoying. Because it feels wrong.

